Why start your health journey with a DNA health test?

DNA Health Test Wondering what a DNA health test is? A DNA health and nutrition test is an assessment of your genetics to identify factors that may affect your health, so you can take the right approach to better health and well-being. So, you’ve come back from the party season and with a vengeance, you’re […]
Migraine: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments

What Is A Migraine? A migraine is a neurological condition characterised by recurrent, moderate to severe headaches, often accompanied by other symptoms. It affects millions of people worldwide, with chronic sufferers frequently reporting a significant decline in their quality of life. “Traditional pharmacological treatments often prove ineffective or lead to unwanted side effects, highlighting […]
Understanding Clinical Depression: Navigating the Complexities

Depression is not a sign of weakness, nor is it something a person can simply “snap out of.” It’s a legitimate medical condition that requires professional understanding and comprehensive treatment. This complex mental health disorder can affect your mood, your mind, your body and your social interactions. What is Clinical Depression? Clinical depression is a […]
Introduction to Neurostimulation: What It Is and How It Works

In the ever-evolving field of mental health and brain wellness, neurostimulation has emerged as a powerful, non-invasive tool that offers new hope for individuals grappling with a range of neurological and psychiatric conditions. As a practitioner deeply invested in the advancement of brain health, I believe it’s crucial to demystify neurostimulation—what it is, how it […]
Electromagnetic Induction and Neural Sensitivity: The Science Behind TMS

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive brain stimulation technique that has its roots in fundamental principles of physics, particularly Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction. This principle is central to how TMS therapy works, and it allows us as physicians to influence brain activity in targeted areas, without the need for invasive procedures. Faraday’s Law […]
Anxiety Disorder

What is Anxiety? Anxiety is a natural response that everyone experiences at some point, particularly in stressful situations. Whether it’s a big presentation at work, an exam, or a first date, feeling anxious is completely normal. However, when anxiety becomes overwhelming, disproportionate to the trigger or situation (or age of the patient) and interferes with […]